Cast of Characters
Berry is a cute bear that can be lazy sometimes. He is a brown, small, little bear. He likes to be with Missy Boo but Twirtle always interrupts them!
Missy Boo is a girl ghost that likes to fly a lot. She is white, has pig tails, and she has a small tiny mouth. Missy Boo is very sweet and kind. She is also very energetic!
Twirtle is half caterpillar half turtle that can fly! He is green, and his tummy is yellow. Twirtle is always a little shy, and he is a bit clumsy!
Rainbow is a yeti that has a rainbow tummy and horns. She is kind and has a lot of lady friends! She used to be mean and cruel, but Berry and his friends helped make her feel happy and chill!
Jack Jack is a seal that is gray and sleeps a lot. His favorite color is gray because he is gray. He doesn’t do any thing but sleep, whatever.
Kate is a cat that is always scared. She has long black hair and wears a white dress and a white purse. That’s really it..!
Wasaba is a stack of wasabi that wants to take over the world! He is just green like regular wasabi. He always creates trouble and gets thrown into jail!